Students’ artistry entering public appreciation
January 31~February 22
Reception February 1 5~8 pm
Presented by Grossmont Union High School District, Your City Shopper, Rotary Club of El Cajon and JADA Creative
Students’ artistry entering public appreciation
January 31~February 22
Reception February 1 5~8 pm
Presented by Grossmont Union High School District, Your City Shopper, Rotary Club of El Cajon and JADA Creative
New Works
Dec 21st~ Jan 22nd
Reception Dates Dec 21 4-7 pm
Jan 9 4-7 pm
August 2018
Invitational portrait art exhibit
The invention of cameras, smart phones and other apparatus has become the number one way for people to capture faces, gestures, and images of races, genders, characters, common people and personalities.
However in many cases a preference for others has been a different medium, oils, acrylics, mixed media or stone and bronze. These applications and formulas are the source for a huge amount of interpretations and translations of the human face. Layers of time and stories take place on papers, fabrics, metals…. An amalgam of “realism;” or the characterization of social elements and customs.
The international art exhibit Madresitas, arrives at Studio C on September 7; the artists reception will be hold on September 15, from
The duration of this exhibit will be until October 15. With more than 100 small format various media art works, from 35 artists from Mexico and USA.
Join us for a nice evening in which the galleries and museums of the region will be celebrating the Alley Cat art walk on the same day.
Exhibiting now and until September 22, at Pan E Vino, Blvd. Agua Caliente #3400-14A, Centro Comercial, Rocasa Tijuana Mexico. (664) 686-4986
Soul Metaphors
Like when I walk and go without pause wanting to feel the moments that fill me with joy but with the indifference of not wanting to go through what hurts. Just recognizing the internal pressures often takes a crowd of energy and honesty. I contemplate the coming and going of the human silhouettes we are all stories we lead to what we call life, trying with camouflage to hide the depth, the intensity of our ego, the expired gifts or the oddities of our attitudes.
In broad outlines the fabric that envelops us, the same blanket that covers everything; this tells us and talks about the daring acts of our living.The null colors in the strokes are hardly an idea of the temperatures reached within the individual, the spectators hardly recognize certain facts helped by their own experiences and adding their own.
Games and works, light and darkness, truth or lies … trapped in the circle of life there is nothing greater to try and yes only try this life.
The transparency of the mysteries is added to each cloth, among cold metals, rusty nails, threads of color; traps that lurk human stability, so this composition of observations I present at the right time, perfect and aligned.
Carlos Castrejón
Pan E Vino
Summer 2017
Metáforas del Alma
Como cuando camino y recorro sin pausa el querer sentir los momentos que me llenan de regocijo pero con la indiferencia de no querer pasar por lo que lastima y duele.
El solo reconocer las presiones internas suele tomar una muchedumbre de energía y honestidad. Contemplo el ir y venir de las siluetas humanas todos somos historias nos conducimos a eso que llamamos vida, procurando con camuflaje esconder lo profundo, la intensidad de nuestro ego, los dones caducados o las rarezas de nuestras actitudes.
A grandes rasgos la tela que nos envuelve, la misma cobija que lo cubre todo; esta nos delata y platica a lo ajeno los atrevidos actos de nuestro vivir.
Los nulos colores en los trazos son apenas una idea de las temperaturas alcanzadas al interior del individuo, los espectadores apenas reconocen ciertos hechos ayudados por sus mismas experiencias y agregando a ellas las propias.
Juegos y trabajos, luz y oscuridad, verdad o mentira… atrapados al círculo de vida no hay algo más grande que procurar y si solo procurar vivir esta vida. La transparencia de los misterios se agrega a cada tela, entre metales fríos, clavos oxidados, hilos de color; como trampas que acechan la estabilidad humana, de tal forma esta composición de observaciones la presento en el momento adecuado, perfecto y alineado.
Carlos Castrejón
Pan e Vino
Verano del 2017